The blog is back!

After a long break (my last blog post was from 2015) I decided to pick up blogging again. And of course this meant I had an excuse to try something new 😁

My first blog was a wordpress blog, hosted by wordpress. Then i switched to a static site using Jekyll on github.

This time I am still going for a static website using Hugo. Most of my professional work uses Azure, so I wanted to also host my blog there using a static web app.


I did not spend a whole lot of time picking a static site generator to be honest. I wanted something easy and fast and found Hugo.

And, my god, it’s fast…

Hugo logo - The O stands for oh my god it’s fast

Written in GO, but that is an implementation detail when you use it, since you just install the binaries.

I installed the latest version using Chocolaty on my windows machine.

Setting up Hugo on Azure

On Azure I am using an Azure Static Web App. This is easy to integrate with GitHub so it can automatically trigger a new release on a commit to my git repo.

Azure Static Web Apps is currently in preview, so no pricing info is known yet. For now it’s free

To set it up I followed these steps. As a theme I went with GhostWriter.

Since the GhostWriter theme has a lot of settings you can tinker with I replaced my config.toml in the root of my blog with the config.yml provided in the themes/ghostwriter folder. I also copied the sample content pages over from the themes folder into my own content folder.

Using the command hugo server I verified all was working well locally.

And then I pushed my changed and watched how all the glorious machinery spun into action to deploy my fresh website.


When I opened up my blog on azure I was greeted by an empty page.

The Developer Tools from my browser showed me my requests where blocked because they where cross origin. I forgot to change the baseurl in my config.yml, which wasn’t a problem locally. Changing the setting and pushing to github triggered the glorious machinery again and my page was working!

Then I started writing this blog post, but when i checked it out locally I could not see it. Turns out I had set the date of the post to be in the future (because it was still a draft) which is why the post was still invisible.

Adding a custom domain

In the next post we’ll see how we can add a custom domain to our shiny new blog!